Residential Care - Role of the Nurse - Conducting Initial Assessments
The Role of the Nurse - Initial Assessments in Residential Care Settings.
This is a general overview. Presentation, Word Document Handout and PDF Version of Presentation.
All editable.
- Comprehensive Assessment: To provide care home nurses with a comprehensive understanding of the assessment process for residents, emphasising the importance of thorough and holistic evaluations
- Effective Communication: To enhance nurses' communication skills, emphasising the importance of effective interactions with residents and collaboration with interdisciplinary teams during assessments
- Enhancing Care Plans: To empower care home nurses to gather relevant information during assessments, enabling them to develop and update well-informed and evidence-based care plans
Learning Objectives:
- Components of Holistic Assessment: To identify the key components of a holistic assessment, including physical, psychological, social and environmental aspects.
- Collaborate with Interdisciplinary Teams: The importance of collaborating with other healthcare professionals, care workers and family members to gather a complete picture of the resident's needs
- Individualised Care Plans: Collect thorough assessment data to develop individualised care plans that address residents' unique needs, preferences and goals
- Promote Continuity of Care: Understand how effective communication and documentation contribute to continuity of care and seamless transitions between care providers
Presentation (18 slides)
Aims and Objectives
Typical Assessment
Gathering Assessments
Physical Assessment
Cognitive and Mental Assessment
PsychoSocial Assessment
Nutritional Assessment
Medication Review
Functional Assessment
Pain Assessment
Communication, Consent and Education
Care Planning
End Comments
References and Further Reading
Word Document
2 page handout
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