Suicide and Self Harm PFA
Suicide and Self Harm PFA

Suicide and Self Harm PFA

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Psychological First Aid (PFA) Suicide and Self-Harm

PowerPoint Presentations and Word Documents - all editable.

Presentation 1 – Suicide Awareness and ALGEE (45 Slides)

Aims and Objectives:
Risk factors and warning signs for suicide
How to give first aid for suicidal crisis (using the five basics steps of ALGEE)
How to talk to someone about suicide
What to do in the event of an emergency
Information about services that can help
How and why wellbeing approaches can help for overall wellbeing

Slide Titles:
Aims and Objectives
Risk Factors For Suicide
First aid for suicidal crisis (Using the five basics steps ALGEE)
ALGEE Action Steps
Assessing for Risk of Suicide or Harm
Listen Non-Judgementally
Give Assurance and Information
Encourage Appropriate Professional Help
Encourage Self Help and Other Support Strategies
Self-Care Reminder
Help for Suicidal Thoughts
Text Message Helplines
Encouragement and Support
Is the Person’s Life in Danger?
How to Talk to Someone about Suicide
How to Talk
SHUSH - Active Listening Tips
Wellbeing Approaches
The Five Ways to Wellbeing

Presentation 2 – Self-Harm Awareness and SOLER (63 Slides)

Aims and Objectives:
This session gives a general awareness of self-harm

What self-harm is and why people self-harm
Self-harming behaviours, vulnerability factors and long-term effects of self-harm
Support for self-harmers and what parents can do
Treatment interventions for self-harm
Confidentiality, consent and safeguarding aspects
Self-harm and being a ‘skilled helper’ (SOLER)
Managing injuries from self-harm
You will demonstrate understanding in an end of session assessment

Slide Titles:

Aims and Objectives
NICE Definition (National Institute for Care and Excellence)
NICE Statistics (National Institute for Care and Excellence)
NICE Guidelines – Management of Self-Harm
What is Self-Harm?
Why People Self-Harm
Self-Harming Behaviours
Self-Harming Signs
Self-Harm Vulnerability Factors
Reasons for Self-Harm
Long Term Effects of Self-Harm
Why Self-Harmers Find It Difficult to Ask For Help
NICE Guidelines - Psychosocial Assessment
NICE Guidelines - Risk Assessment
NICE Guidelines - Interventions for Self-Harm
Consent and Confidentiality
Encouragement and Support for Parents
What Parents Can Do
Support for Self-Harmers
How Can Schools Help Young People Who Self-Harm?
Skilled Helping – SOLER
If You Suspect Self-Harm
Active Listening and Empathy
Managing Injuries from Self-Harm
If First Aid is Required
Seeking Medical Help
Cuts and Wounds/Burns
Myths about Self-Harm

Word Documents

17 (Handouts and End of Session Assessment Sheets)

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