Mental Capacity and Best Interests Awareness - Childrens Residential Care
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Mental Capacity and Best Interests Awareness in Childrens Residential Care Settings
All editable documents.
This is the FIRST pack of a set of resources for Childrens Residential Care on this topic. This pack introduces the principles and basic underpinning knowledge for care staff, along with interactive case studies for general situations that care staff will come across.
The SECOND pack focuses on more challenging aspects of mental capacity and best interests (e.g. mobile phones and internet usage) and is available separately.
Both packs together would enable trainers to put together a one day or one and a half day training session.
This pack has 10 Files in total (Presentation (in section) , Handouts x 5, Case Studies x 10 for interactive learning and End of Session Multiple Choice Assessments x 4 (one for each learning objective.
Overall Aim:
Aims and Objectives
Childrens Homes
Chgildrens Rights
SECTION: Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Overview of the Mental Capacity Act
Understanding the Key Principles
DoLS and its Purpose
LPS replacing DoLS
SECTION: Application of the MCA principles in Childrens Homes
Exploring how they apply to children under 16
Gillick Competence
Relevance to Childrens Homes
Identifying Situations where Children may lack Capacity - and the Role of Care Staff in supporting Decision Making
SECTION: Best Interests Decision Making
Understanding the Concept of Best Interests
Practical Guidance on making Best Interests Decisions
SECTION: Best Interests Decision Making Interactive Case Studies
(10 case Studies on Slides followed by Best Practice Guidance after each Case Study)
SECTION: Key Points Summary
References and Further Reading
Word Documents:
Handouts x 5
Case Studies x 10
End of Session Assessments (Multiple Choice) x 5
Presentation also saved as a PDF. All documents on Office format.
HSC Training Link
Training Resources for Health and Social Care
Supplying training resources for the health and social care sector since 2004.
Resources purchased are emailed to you via Zip Folder attachment or via Microsoft 365 link (your choice).
All packs are written in a generic style and can easily be adapted to suit your own specific training delivery.
Secure payments via PayPal Merchant Commerce Platform.
You do not need a PayPal account to use this payment
Debit and credit card payments accepted.
All editable documents.
This is the FIRST pack of a set of resources for Childrens Residential Care on this topic. This pack introduces the principles and basic underpinning knowledge for care staff, along with interactive case studies for general situations that care staff will come across.
The SECOND pack focuses on more challenging aspects of mental capacity and best interests (e.g. mobile phones and internet usage) and is available separately.
Both packs together would enable trainers to put together a one day or one and a half day training session.
This pack has 10 Files in total (Presentation (in section) , Handouts x 5, Case Studies x 10 for interactive learning and End of Session Multiple Choice Assessments x 4 (one for each learning objective.
Overall Aim:
- To provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of how the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) apply in children's homes, focusing on best interests decision-making and equipping them with practical guidance for supporting children's well-being.
- Understand the fundamental principles of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and how they relate to children under the age of 16 in residential care settings.
- Explore the concept of 'Gillick competence' and its significance in decision-making for children and young people, considering their evolving capacity and autonomy.
- Identify common scenarios where children may lack capacity and learn how residential care staff can effectively support decision-making processes while upholding their best interests.
- Apply theoretical knowledge to real-life case studies and scenarios, fostering interactive learning experiences that enhance participants' ability to make informed decisions in the best interests of children, considering their unique wishes, feelings, beliefs and values.
Aims and Objectives
Childrens Homes
Chgildrens Rights
SECTION: Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Overview of the Mental Capacity Act
Understanding the Key Principles
DoLS and its Purpose
LPS replacing DoLS
SECTION: Application of the MCA principles in Childrens Homes
Exploring how they apply to children under 16
Gillick Competence
Relevance to Childrens Homes
Identifying Situations where Children may lack Capacity - and the Role of Care Staff in supporting Decision Making
SECTION: Best Interests Decision Making
Understanding the Concept of Best Interests
Practical Guidance on making Best Interests Decisions
SECTION: Best Interests Decision Making Interactive Case Studies
(10 case Studies on Slides followed by Best Practice Guidance after each Case Study)
SECTION: Key Points Summary
References and Further Reading
Word Documents:
Handouts x 5
Case Studies x 10
End of Session Assessments (Multiple Choice) x 5
Presentation also saved as a PDF. All documents on Office format.
HSC Training Link
Training Resources for Health and Social Care
Supplying training resources for the health and social care sector since 2004.
Resources purchased are emailed to you via Zip Folder attachment or via Microsoft 365 link (your choice).
All packs are written in a generic style and can easily be adapted to suit your own specific training delivery.
Secure payments via PayPal Merchant Commerce Platform.
You do not need a PayPal account to use this payment
Debit and credit card payments accepted.
Product Code:J9EGorD
Brand:HSC Training Link
Product Condition: New
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