Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting
Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting

Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting

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Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young People’s Settings - Unit Resources - Handout 3

This handout covers every topic in the unit specification learning outcome 3

17 page handout

Be able to agree a personal development plan

Sources of support for own learning and development: informal; formal;
internal e.g. line manager, supervisor; mentoring schemes; tutor; accessing
specialist information through partner and external organisations; online
professional discussion groups

Planning process: cyclical nature of planning and review; understanding own
role; identifying own strengths and weaknesses; identifying gaps in knowledge;
using feedback from others; appraisal process; understanding development
goals of own sector; identifying opportunities to develop knowledge and skills;
reviewing progress

People involved: e.g. the individual, people using services, supervisor or line
manager, other professionals, tutors or mentors, carers, advocates

Personal development plan: agreeing objectives for development; proposing
activities to meet objectives; timescales for review; understanding needs for
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed targets (SMART); need for
regular review of development plans; need to identify training opportunities and

This handout covers every topic in the unit specification learning outcome 3
Product Code:bxu5ZIU
Brand:HSC Training Link
Product Condition: New
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