Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young People’s Setting
Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young People’s Setting

Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young People’s Setting

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Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young People’s Settings - Unit Resources - Handout 1

This handout covers every topic in the unit specification learning outcome 1

32 page handout

Understand what is required for competence in own work role

Duties and responsibilities: job description for own role; organisational goals and practices; inter-agency working
Standards which influence role: codes of practice; regulations; minimum standards; national occupational standards
Ways to prevent personal attitudes and beliefs obstructing quality of work: reflecting on own background and experiences; understanding effects of own beliefs and attitudes on practice; seeking ways to gain feedback on own practice; seeking professional development opportunities; developing
knowledge and understanding of needs, culture and background of individuals
using services

This handout covers every topic in the unit specification learning outcome 1
Product Code:289RROQ
Brand:HSC Training Link
Product Condition: New
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