Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings
Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings - Unit Resource - Handout number 3
27 page handout
Be able to reduce barriers to communication
Barriers to communication: background and culture of individual; sensory
impairment; dialect; use of jargon or language not appropriate to age/stage of
development; environmental factors e.g., noise, poor lighting; attitudes; effects
of alcohol or drugs; aggression; mental health problems; learning disabilities;
health conditions; lack of confidence
Ways to reduce barriers: use of technological aids; human aids e.g.
interpreters, signers, translators; using clear speech and appropriate
vocabulary; staff training; improving environment; reducing distractions
Checking understanding: e.g. asking questions to check understanding and
clarify, repeating and rephrasing when necessary, allowing adequate time for
response, awareness of body language and non-verbal communications of
respondent, visual clues and other signs that information has been understood
Sources of information and support: translation service; interpreting service;
speech and language services; advocacy services; third sector organisations
This handout covers every topic in the unit specification learning outcome 3.
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