Insulin in Diabetes Care (Clinical)
Insulin in Diabetes Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Nurses and Delegated Responsibilities Care Staff
Presentation (in sections) and handout (all editable).
Aims and Objectives (editable)
Overall Aim:
- To equip nurses and delegated care staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective care for individuals with diabetes and insulin requirements
Presentation (81 slides)
Aims and Objectives
The Prevalence and Impact of Diabetes
The Role of Nurses in Diabetes Care
Session 1: Insulin Basics
Definition and Function of Insulin
Types of Insulin: Rapid-Acting, Short-Acting, Intermediate-Acting, Long-Acting
Insulin Delivery Methods: Syringes, Pens, Pumps
Insulin Regimens: Basal-Bolus, Sliding Scale and More
How Insulin Regulates Blood Sugar
Session 2: Insulin Administration
Proper Insulin Injection Techniques
Safe Handling, Storage and Transport of Insulin
Injection Sites and Rotation
Avoiding Lipohypertrophy and Lipoatrophy
Addressing Pain and Anxiety in Patients
Session 3: Hypoglycaemia and Hyperglycaemia Management
Recognising Signs and Symptoms
Immediate Actions for Hypoglycaemia
Treatment Options for Hypoglycaemia
Immediate Actions for Hyperglycaemia
Treatment Options for Hyperglycaemia
When to Seek Medical Assistance
Session 5: Legal and Ethical Considerations
Informed Consent in Insulin Administration
Confidentiality and Patient Privacy
Adherence to Safety Protocols
Reporting and Documentation
Professional Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
References and Further Reading
Word Document
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