Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources
Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources

Conflict Resolution Health and Social Care Training Resources

£29.99 inc. tax

Conflict Resolution

6 PowerPoint presentations and 38 Word documents.

Presentation 1 - Types of Aggressive Behaviours (50 slides) – Slide Titles

Aims and Objectives
What is Aggression?
What is Physical Assault?
What is Non-Physical Assault?
Definition of Violence at Work
Types of Workplace Violence
Bullying and Mobbing
Harassment and Bullying
Sexual Harassment
How Common is Workplace Violence?
Escalating Nature of Harassment
Forms of Negative Behaviour
Violence - Groups at Risk
Consequences of Violence at Work
Reactions to Violence at Work
Personal Consequences
Consequences for Organisations
Violence - Legal Requirements
Harassment and Discrimination - Legal Requirements
Sector Specific - Legal Requirements
End of Session Assessment

Presentation 2 - Factors Contributing to Workplace Violence (Includes built in Learning Activities) (51 slides) – Slide Titles:

Duty of Care
Difficult Situations
Identifying Risk Factors
Individual Factors
Organisational Factors
Causes of Harassment
Key Themes
End of Session Assessment

Presentation 3 - Understanding the Role of Communication (42 slides) (Includes Built-In Learning Activities) – Slide Titles:

Aims and Objectives
Conflict Situations
Understanding the Importance of Communication
Verbal Communication
Vocal Communication
Mehrabian Principle
Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Examples of Genuine Communication
Non-Defensive Communication
Disarming Defensiveness - Personal Conflict
Tone of Voice
Accoustic Patterns
Body Language
Negative Body Language
Cultural Awareness
Communication Models - Mehrabian
Types of Communication Models
End of Session Assessment

Presentation 4 - Understanding the Role of Communication MODELS (23 slides) (Includes Built in Learning Activities)

Aims and Objectives
Five Step Appeal
End of Session Assessment

Presentation 5 - Verbal Communication, Transactional Analysis (14 slides) (Includes Built in Learning Activity)

Aims and Objectives
Transactional Analysis
Ego States Principles
Identifying Ego States
Using Ego States
Tips for using Ego States in Conversations
End of Session Assessment

Presentation 6 - Managing Conflict Situations (35 slides) (Includes Built in Learning Activity)

Aims and Objectives
Patterns of Behaviour
Attitude and Behavioural Cycle (Betari's Box)
Conflict Cycle - Responsibilities
Patterns of Behaviour
Identifying Behavioural States
Aggression Continuum Model
Warning and Danger Signs
Impact Factors
Risk Assessment
Safe Distances
Reactionary Gap
Dealing With Situations
Flight or Fight
Duty of Care
The Law
Reasonable Force
When Can Reasonable Force be Used?
End of Session Assessment

Word Documents (Handouts)

6 End of Session Handouts
16 additional handouts
6 End of Session Written Assessments
12 Learning Activities

HSC Training Link
Training Resources for Health and Social Care

Supplying training resources for the health and social care
sector since 2004. 

Resources purchased are emailed to you via
Zip Folder attachment.

All packs are written in a generic style and can easily
be adapted to suit your own specific training delivery.

Resources are Microsoft Office based.

Secure payments via PayPal Merchant Commerce Platform.
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Debit and credit card payments accepted.

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