HSC Training Link
Welcome to my health and social care training resources website.
Supplying training resources for health and social care - trainers, care managers and students/learners since 2004.
Click the HSC LOGO to see the complete catalogue of resources
......or hover over the 'SHOP' tab to see either ALL RESOURCES or Topics (Categories).
My resources include:
There is a search bar - you can also use this for topics you are looking for.
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Resources purchased are emailed to you via Zip Folder attachment.
BOOKS available via AMAZON - click the link to take you to AMAZON (Catalogues pages show 'Out of Stock' as you can only purchase via Amazon).
Resources can be used as a ready made training session, or you can adapt to suit your training audience.
If you are a trainer - all packs are written in a generic style and can easily be adapted to suit your own specific training delivery.
Sign up for my newsletter to receive monthly updates of all new resources available and any discount codes that may be running (link at bottom of the page).
2 payment options - via PayPal Merchant Commerce Platform.
- via Debit and credit card (via PayPal).
You do not need a PayPal account to use PayPal.
Payments will show on your card statement with my web address and name.
Health and Social Care Teaching Resources - Health and Social Care Training Resources - Health and Social Care Learning Resources
Presentations - Handouts - Learning Activities
Underpinning Knowledge - Mandatory Training Knowledge - Vocational Learning - Professional Development - Additional Resources to Support Training and Learning